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And now we have these three: faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Health and Advice

Children's Health

We hope that this page will provide you with useful information about some common childhood illnesses. All the leaflets below have been carefully chosen as a reliable source of information, but we cannot be held responsible for the content of this information. If in doubt, please see your General Practitioner (family doctor).

If you would like  to talk to a health nurse(school nurse) you can text 07520615381 or you can ring the advice line to speak to a public health nurse on 03003000007.

Head Lice sometimes crop up and school and we will send a ParentMail message out if we become aware of head lice in your child's class. There are lots of ways of dealing with these critters, but we promote Bug Busting! Go to for information on Bug Busting.

How long should my child stay off school? If you can't see the answer here, please call school and ask.

As a general rule, use the following guidelines.

Vomitting & diarrhoea  At least 24 hours after the last episode
Chicken pox & shingles Wait until all the blisters have dried and scabbed over
Conjunctivitis You will usually be able to bring your child to school as normal. However, if we have a severe outbreak, we may ask you to keep your child at home

Wait until the sores have all dried and healed


No time off required

Tonsilitis Stay away from school until the symptoms have passed
Whooping cough Complete a course of antibiotics before returning to school

School Nurse Team


As School Nurses we develop specialist roles within and outside the school environment. This includes working with children and young people aged from rising 5 year olds to 18 year olds in full-time education. Visit the website for further information:


What do School Nurse Teams do?


  • We work in Close Partnership with other organisations as well as Health and Education such as Children’s and Young Peoples Services, Private and Voluntary Organisations.
  • We undertake Health Assessments for Looked After Children and referrals as appropriate.
  • We offer support, advice and guidance to other professionals and parents on a variety of topics to do with health and wellbeing.
  • We have a key role in Safeguarding vulnerable children and young people including children and young people who have special needs and who have been excluded from mainstream education.
  • We offer training to staff and parents on how to manage specific health needs in School.
  • We contribute to School Personal Social and Health Education as well as Sex and Relationships Education by delivering comprehensive programmes.
  • We offer first level support in Child and Adolescent Mental Health issues and refer on as necessary.
  • We have a key role in Public Health and contribute to the local and national programmes such supporting smoking cessation, tackling obesity, reducing teenage pregnancies, delivering immunisation programmes and much more...
  • We currently provide continence clinics dealing with the physical issues of daytime and night-time wetting, and constipation, and provide the emotional support this requires.
  • Support Paediatric Outpatient Clinics and School Medicals.

If you would like to contact the team for additional support you can contact the team:

  • School nursing team:

    Area 4 Public Health (School) Nurse Team

  • School nursing base:

    Homefarm Children's Centre or Bewcastle Children's Centre

  • School nursing base telephone number:

    0116 2153232

Please ask school for a referral form. 

As part of our new 'Resilience & Well-Being' work we will be supporting pupils to develop a culture of resilience and emotional well-being!

Access: Health for Kids...

Health for kids is a learning website for children aged 4-11 years old, brought to you by the NHS.

open browser and type in:

Early Help

Children and young people can experience a range of difficulties at any time in their life. Early help is for children and young people of any age and can come from all kinds of services and organisations who work together to support the family.  You might be using some of these services already, but we want to make sure they are providing the right support for you and your family’s needs.

You can request targeted support if you have concerns about your child’s health, development or behaviour.

The request can be made by yourself or with the support of a teacher, health professional or support worker. During the assessment, you will be fully involved and listened to which will help find the right support that you, your child and family may need. 

For more information about Early Help contact 0116 454 5899 or email