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And now we have these three: faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Welcome to our Nursery Class Family

Here you can keep up to date with the information regarding Nursery.

Contact Information

Your class teacher is Mrs Howkins

You can contact us by email on

Start Time - 8.45am 

Finish Time - 11.40am


PE Days



Nursery Learning 

This summer term we will be learning...


  • Developing mark-making - writing opportunities within play
  • Writing their name using a name card independently
  • Daily phonics lessons: looking at more new sounds g, o, l c e.
  • Some of the books we will be reading are ; The train ride, Mr grumpy motor car, Whatever next.


  • Developing our positional language i.e., 'the bag is under the chair’
  • Using words like….. In front, behind, next to and on.
  • Discussing familiar routes and locations.
  • Recapping numbers up to 5

Communication & Language:

  •  Expressing ideas and thoughts within small groups and as a class
  •  Questioning why? Things happen and gives explanations

Physical Development

  • Dough Disco / nuts and bolts fine motor development
  • Working on our pencil control and feeling confident using our dominant hand.
  • Taking part in some team group games like races and snap.
  • Becoming more confident in handling one-handed tools, ie, scissors.

Understanding the World: 

  • Exploring different forces they can feel i.e. push, pull, magnets.
  • Looking for signs of summer, going for summer walks in our environment.
  • Exploring how things work i.e., vehicle parts, remote control cars.