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And now we have these three: faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 6

Welcome to our year 6 Class Family

Here you can keep up to date with the information regarding Year 6.

Contact Information

Your class teacher is Mr Westaby

You can contact us by email on

Start Time - 8.45am 

Finish Time - 3.15pm


PE Days

Tuesday and Friday


Year 6 Learning 

This summer term we will be learning...

English - Macbeth

Maths - Project designing and budgeting a theme park

Class Book - A Monster Calls

Science - Light

Geography - Globalisation

R. E - How does faith help people when life gets hard? 

P. E - Tag Rugby

P.S.H.E - Mental Health (Relationships)

Art - Modernism 

Computing - Spreadsheets and Formulas

Music - Creating our own songs (Based on It's Time - Image Dragons)