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And now we have these three: faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

SEND and Inclusion

We are a church school and have a strong Christian ethos of care, empathy and understanding, aiming to ensure that each child is cared for holistically. We provide an environment where every child is valued and given the right support to help them reach their full potential. Each child’s ability, aptitudes, gifts and talents are encouraged and we work together to develop these skills and provide the nurture and support all children (and their families) need whilst they are with us. The Headteacher, staff and governors at Belgrave St Peter's are fully committed to the integration and inclusion of every child.

Belgrave St. Peter's works as a school and with Leicester City Local Authority to provide for children with additional needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs Ng-Bell (email:, our SENCo, who is responsible for ensuring provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Alternatively, you may contact her via the main office 0116 266 5790. Mrs Ng-Bell's working days are Tuesday - Friday.

  • Voluntary Action Leicester
    This website provides information about which additional services are available for you and your child in Leicester. It also has details of many practical activities you may want to do with your children.