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And now we have these three: faith and hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 2

Welcome to our year 2 Class Family

Here you can keep up to date with the information regarding Year 2.

Contact Information

Your class teacher is Mrs Lloyd-Trewick

You can contact us by email on

Start Time - 8.45am 

Finish Time - 3.15pm


PE Day


Forest School



Year 2 Learning 

This Summer Term we will be learning...

English - Non-chronological reports, Recount, Letter and Setting description

Maths - Time, Position and Direction and Statistics 

Science - Everyday Material and Plants

History - The Space Race

Art - Pattern and Texture

DT - Sewing 

RE - What makes some places sacred to believers? 

PSHE - Changing Me

PE - Athletics

Computing - 

Music - The Friendship Song: using glockenspiels